Explore Exhibitor Opportunities at TechInnovation 2020
TechInnovation is a premier technology-industry brokerage event organised by IPI. It brings together international and Singapore technology providers and seekers to explore technology and business collaboration opportunities through open innovation.

In its ninth year since its inception in 2012, TechInnovation has grown to become a leading conference and exhibition in Singapore and the region that focuses on the matching of industry’s needs to enabling technologies. This year's TechInnovation will be a fully digital event that will take place for 24 hours over 5 days from 7 to 11 December 2020. Exhibitors and attendees across all time zones will be able to participate and network with each other virtually.

Register for your digital booth as an exhibitor and submit your Technology Offers by 9 November 2020, in order to be considered for Crowdpitching opportunities. If you wish to attend TechInnovation 2020, keep a lookout for our next announcement on how you can obtain complimentary attendee access to the virtual event.

If you have any queries, please email us at admin@techinnovation.com.sg
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